Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy 18th Gianmarco!


Cari familiari e amici,
questo che vedete è l'invito che  Gianmarco Lopetrone, mio figlio, ha prodotto per
festeggiare il suo 18° compleanno, un traguardo che in Italia coincide con il riconoscimento della maggiore età.
Siete tutti invitati a partecipare alla sua festa, ognuno per come può, anche virtualmente.
Pasquale Lopetrone (San Giovanni in Fiore- Italy)

Dear relatives and friends,   
this that you see is the invitation that Gianmarco Lopetrone, my child, has produced for    
to celebrate the 18° birthday, a finishing line that in Italy it coincides with the recognition of the most greater age.   
You are all guests to participate in the party, each of you as it is able, also virtually.
Pasquale Lopetrone (San Giovanni in Fiore- Italy)

Queridos parientes y amigos, 
ésta que veis es la invitación que Gianmarco Lopetrone, mi hijo, ha producido por  
celebrar el suyo 18° cumpleaños, una meta que en Italia coincide con el reconocimiento de la mayor edad. 
Sois todos invitados a participar en su fiesta, cada uno como puede, también virtualmente. 
Pasquale Lopetrone (San Giovanni in Fiore- Italy)

Chers membres de la famille et amis, 
ce qui voyez est l'invitation qui Gianmarco Lopetrone, mon fils a produit pour  
fêter le sien 18° anniversaire, une ligne d'arrivée qu'en Italie il coïncide avec la reconnaissance du plus grand âge. 
Vous êtes tous invité à participer à sa fête, chacun de vous pour comme il peut, aussi virtuellement. 
Pasquale Lopetrone (San Giovanni in Fiore- Italy)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

September Musings

John and Rosa - First Generation in Canada
Mary Angela Lopetrone-Andali Spinnato

In May, I went to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada with my mother to see her brother.They are the last two from the first generation of Penzera's that came to Canada in the 50's. My mother is Rosa Lopetrone and her brother is Giovanni Lopetrone. Rosa Lopetrone lives in Sarnia, Canada.
My uncle John (Giovanni) is now 82 years old and my mother Rosa Lopetrone Andali will be 77 this November. They are first cousins to Pasquale Lopetrone's father. They are the children of Guiseppe and Angela Maria (Chiodo) Lopetrone.
The picture with the two ladies, are my mom, Rosa Lopetrone and Angela Pecorelli wife of the late Francesco Pecorelli (Penzera) son of Guiseppe and Angela Maria (Chiodo) Lopetrone. Angela Pecorelli also resides in Victoria, B.C. These people are our first generation to Canada and the last remaining.

Barak Obama and SGF Connections
Pasquale Lopetrone

Barak Obama, in his election speaches to the American people, continually speaks about Gioacchino from Firore, the abbot from SGF. Gioacchino was a very important citizen of SGF and is soon to become a saint. The Mayor of SGF would like to make Obama an honorary citizen of SGF. Read more about the Obama and SGF connection in English - in Italian.
New Book
Carol Heppner

Artist Trading Cards are 2.5 by 3.5 -inch cards on which artists create tiny works of art. Last year I spent several months putting a book together using photographs on Artist Trading Cards. The book is being released this month by Martingale Pulishers. More about the book.

