Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas Trees 2006

Lopetrone Christmas Tree Display
Join us in displaying our Christmas trees or decorations.
Just email them to Carol at

Below: Annie & Ralph Smith, PA (of the Archbald Lopetrone's)

Below: Anthony & Gerry Petrone, NY (of the Archbald Lopetrone's)

Below: Anna May Petrone Marchelitis (of the Archbald Lopetrone's)

Anna also has a Christmas Village under her tree.

Carol & Paul Heppner (of the Archbald Lopetrone's)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

In San Giovanni in Fiore

Above: Setting up for the traditional Christmas Eve bonfire.

Traditional Christmas Village

Above and Below: Caterina Spadafora-Lopetrone's Christmas Tree.
We would love to show other Lopetrone Family Holiday trees here! Send your photos to

Carol at:

Monday, December 18, 2006

Piazza S Pietro

Viene dai monti della Sila l'albero di Natale 2006,
allestito in Piazza S Pietro al Vaticano
by Pasquale Lopetrone
Ecco l'abete bianco di 90 anni, alto circa 34 metri, che vola sul cielo di S Giovanni in F, trasportato da un grande elicottero. La grande pianta, dei boschi della Sila, è stata destinata come albero di Natale, in Piazza S Pietro, Città del Vaticano - Roma.Gli ambientalisti hanno alimentato una grande polemica per il taglio di quest'enorme conifera.
.Saint Peter's Square, Vatican: The 2006 Christmas Tree
comes from the mountains of the Sila
Here is the white fir of 90 years, about 34 meters tall, as it flies in the skies of S Giovanni in F, transported by a great helicopter. This great plant taken from the woods of the Sila, has been chosen as the Christmas tree that will be used in S Pietro Plaza, Vatican - Rome. The environmentalists have pushed forth a great polemic for the cut of this enormous conifer.
Abbracci fraterni, Pasquale e famiglia