Friday, October 27, 2006

John & Barbara's San Giovanni in Fiore Visit

Our San Giovanni in Fiore Visit

By John Lopetrone
Photographs by Pasquale Loperone

Our trip was absolutely fantastic and Pasquale and Caterina are absolutely wonderful. We were treated as though we were long lost family and we are considered new family members. They have two fine sons who always gave us a hug every time they saw us.
The first night we had dinner at a small restaurant -- if you didn't know it was there you would miss it entirely. The cook and owner was a gentleman named Saverio, I hope this is the right spelling, and he is a marvelous cook and extremely friendly. His English was very good and we hand a wonderful evening and he helped with some of the translations. Even though neither of us spoke the others language well we were at most times making each other understand our thoughts.
Pasquale took us to many wonderful places and we saw where my grandfather lived, where he worked, and the 11 houses side by side where the rest of the family lived.

When we spoke about you (Carol Heppner) he stated that he loves you like a sister and that you have helped him in many wonderful ways. Yes, my love I did give him a very big hug from you. All the rest of his family now claims us as family and of course this makes me feel wonderful.

Barbara and Caterina got along famously and to tell you the truth I thought she was going to cry when we said our last good byes. They are very wonderful people. As all Italians have said before we do like people.

When looking for my Mom's father's family we were in a very old town known as Borgia and we stopped at a small square and he started asking question and all the old gentlemen sitting there all wanted to help and we took one older for a short drive and he lead us to someone else who started making phone calls and I found out he was calling one of the last Machienzies in the area and then we all went to a small cafe and had coffee and water and spent time together.

We went to Pasquale's beautiful summer house where they had a garden and it was in a beautiful picturesque area. Did you know that one of his 5 sub offices is in a castle? We have pictures of him unlocking the castle door and he stated that this was his castle.

Not only is he an Architect he is also in charge of great restoration in his area as he is employed by the Italian government in the Borough of Culture. He took us where the average person would never be and have seen places and things that will boggle your mind. Like a 400 year old book with our family names in it. Well, my dear cousins I must close for now and will write more later. This trip and my new family will have a very special place in my heart forever.
.Love and Hugs,Johnny and Barbara