Wednesday, May 28, 2008

St. Ubaldo, Jessup, PA

Carol's photos of St. Ubaldo Festival, Jessup, PA.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Don Zeno

By Pasquale Lopetrone
If you go on the link underlined under you can see the biography that I have elaborated for Beppe Lopetrone, our cousin, our friend, and great photographer.

Beppe lived in Nomadelfia and is buried there.

In the past year, during the months when Beppe was near death, the RAI (Radio Italian Television) has made a movie on the history of Nomadelfia and its founder, a priest named Don Zeno. The scriptwriters of the film, "Mr. ZENO, The man Of NOMADELFIA", they have reconstructed the scenes of the fiction looking at the book of Joe Don ZENO 100 Years, that it is a very beautiful work, introduced by the greatest Italian journalists and by eminent religious personalities and politics. Tuesday and Wednesday, in two episodes, RAI, through the channels television Italian public, transmit the fiction "Mr. ZENO The man Of NOMADELFIA", a film that I recommend you to see, because Don Zeno is certainly the man that has animated a great revolution, showing to the world that can be been all brothers and all can be lived with few, but with great dignity if he is in peace with God.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blue Ribbons

Annie Smith and Delta

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By Annie (Petrone) Smith

Delta and I placed first in 2 of the riding events we entered. Talk about a shock! When they called my name I about fell off the horse!

Delta and I won 2 blue ribbons, one in horsemanship, one in the pleasure class. Delta kept her head down like a pleasure horse and she did a pivot turn. Well, she NEVER keeps her head down and she has NEVER done a pivot turn!

I thought it was a joke when I won but I was told I rode prefect, but I still didn't believe it. I still cannot believe it. Someone was looking down on us because she was playing with the bit, but that kept her head down when none of the other horses kept their heads down and she doesn't normally either!

After all the attention, she was ready to have her saddle off and get out side.